Play 7 Pass, Punt, & Kick Youth Competition hosted by the Drayton Florence Foundation and Clint Hart

Ocala Punt, Pass, & Kick Play 7 Youth Competition hosted by the Drayton Florence Foundation and Clint Hart

The Drayton Florence Foundation and Clint Hart hosted the Punt, Pass, & Kick Play 7 Youth Competition in Ocala, Florida.

Punt, Pass, & Kick allows children ages 6-15 to experience the fun of learning football fundamentals in an engaging and supportive non-contact environment.

Play 7 Drayton Florence Foundation

Play 7
(Photo credit-Luis Vasquez)

Play 7

Play 7

Play 7

Play 7

Play 7

Play 7

Volunteers from Kid Central Inc. came out and worked HARD to make the event a success!!!
Volunteers from Kid Central Inc

Winner of her age bracket at the Ocala Pass, Punt, & Kick! (Photo credit- Jessica Munster-Guynn)
Ocala Pass Punt and Kick

Body Armor was the drink sponsor for the Play 7 Pass, Punt, & Kick Youth Competition hosted by the Drayton Florence Foundation and Clint Hart
Body Armor Play 7

Body Armor Play 7

Play 7 Drayton Florence Foundation
1st Place Winners of the Ocala Punt, Pass, & Kick Play 7 Youth Competition hosted by the Drayton Florence Foundation and Clint Hart. (Photo credit- Jessica Munster-Guynn)